Morning Gloryville

Pinch punch, first blog!


Pinch punch, first blog!

Morning Gloryville has been on quite a journey. Since launching our first party 3 years ago with only 26 people buying tickets to throwing parties in 24 cities across the globe. There are so many highlights and struggles and giggles and SO many hugs and smiles and sometimes tears. Where to start? Without looking back too much, we have decided to start this blog. To map the constellation of our journey and take you lovely souls with us.

In November alone we threw sell-out parties at The Shard, Somerset House, West London and East London. We did a parade through Portobello and a very colourful nod to the mannequin challenge. We launched a new campaign The Gloryville Effect which will take Morning Gloryville in the spirit of inclusivity to people that couldn’t even dream of the luxury of being at one of our events right now.

This month we are anticipating our 41st Morning Gloryville at our East London residency, The Oval, on 14th December. Sam is currently in Boston – an honoured guest of the Harvard Divinity School. Meanwhile the team have set their sights on organising an Xmas boat party on the Thames in just 10 days’ time.

Pinch punch. It is 1st December today. The beginning of our blog. 24 days until Xmas. 24 days to go until our campaign The Gloryville Effect officially ends but only just begins in many other ways. Morning Gloryville has always been the sum of its community. You are Morning Gloryville. Hopefully this will be a wonderful way for you to feel even more a part of this crazy mad journey. If you have something you would like to contribute we will be taking guest blogs. Send them through!

Feathery love,

Cockicorn x

Welcome To The Tribe

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