When I was one,
It had just begun.
When I was two,
I first met you.
When I was three,
I started to see.
When I was four,
A star on my door.
When I was five,
I left the hive.
But now I am six,
It’s four to the floor.
So I think I’ll be six now
for ever more.
A wise healer once said, “The best medicine for Humans is LOVE.” Someone asked, “And if it doesn’t work?” The healer smiled and answered, “Just increase the dose.”
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to spread love across the universe, using the qualities of authenticity, presence and connection.
And if you pass the test, believe me, you’ll be richly blessed.
I was a man in pain.
Living alone and spending most of the day curled up in a ball.
Suffering from trauma and profound loneliness. Struggling with demons from the dark place. Huge, fiery eyed demons, with a unquenchable hunger for highly calorific dairy products. Night after night I would sit alone, in my room, hoping, praying for deliverance. For salvation, protection and peace. While eating ice cream and cheese. So much ice cream and cheese.
And then, one fine day, a family of pixies moved into my head, and from that day on, everything changed. For they showed me a world beyond the peeling wallpaper of my front room, and took me deep in the bowels of the City of London, to a world which they called…‘Morning Gloryville’
A magical abundant land of love and mystery. A place of profound healing, protected from all of those hungry ghosts, by gorgeous gods and goddesses, hatched in happiness and hailing from the dawning age of Aquarius.
This was a birthday party. An earth-day party. A mirth-day party. Outside, above and beyond the dimensions of ordinary spacetime. And I was invited. Yipppeeeeee!!!
I was met at the door by hugging angels. Beautiful souls with open hearts and eyes that twinkled with ancient stardust. And there was me, little old me, falling into the arms of these lovers of love. Falling into the warmth and acceptance of being held without judgement. What a beautiful and pleasant surprise.
I’m OK, you’re OK. We’re all OK.
This is the human touch project. The most healing balm there is. Oxytocin for the masses.
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh….and relax!
Now over the threshold and into a liminal space. For space is the place where we are held, to safely remove our masks and our armour and dance between ‘what was’ and ‘what could be’. A rarefied blast of possibility. The promised land. Clean and white, longing and might.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
It wasn’t long before I was magnetically drawn to the dance floor by the humping, pumping sound of the drum and the bass. For this truly is the rediscovery of the art of natural magic with sound.
And a throng of colourful characters, all cartoonesque and cultured in equal measure. Playfully social, early in the morning. In a land fit for heroes, glitter is the order of the day. Glitter and smiles. And a sense of expansion and play. All aboard, all aboard. For a journey by DJ, who rarely leaves the trees to come down to earth and is distantly related to humans. No muggles here.
There were some very lovely moves and movers on the dance floor. I noticed a horned god and his merry pranksters in gold lame and sequins. Eye contact with these creatures is considered a good omen. And of course, the essence of the goddess. So much feminine power and beauty all around. This is the opening of the planetary mind. Where masculine and the feminine come together to play. And all is awaiting to blossom.
Here, at Morning Gloryville we can all be ourselves. Throwing off the shackles of conformity and mediocrity, and putting our best foot forward, to dance the blues away.
Morning Gloryville. So tasty…
It’s an anti-depressant, anti capitalist, anti pasto. An orgasmic, all together now, hors d’oeuvre.
This is the place to connect with other human souls. In truth, authenticity and presence. Dancing in beauty. To stand up, lie down and be counted. Groove with your space commander, Dad and let the children play away. All crayons and colours and paper and things.
So, after shaking myself back into the power of the present, the power of now, I moved out of the dance and started to explore in the quieter areas of this strange land. I found places to just sit and be. To meditate. To come back to first intimacy. I found places to relax and recharge. Serving super green smoothies and matcha lattes, avin’ it large. I found places with solutions to problems and books to peruse. It was fandabbydozy. It was fuelling the muse
I then joined an impromptu hula hooping workshop next door.
Does my bum look big in this?
Morning Gloryville is.
An awakened, connected, togetherness. It is sanctuary. It is the Church of the Free Thinker. Of the shamanic drinker. This is our RAVE NEW WORLD. Taking us beyond hedonism and self-interest. Towards a synergy between who we are and who we could become. A thriving, loving community. Offering a radical shift in consciousness. Where intimacy and intelligence become cultural values. This is an awakened, connected, togetherness, strong enough to carry this love out into the mainstream.
All life is sacred.
For the next seven generations. Be a vessel for divine love and light. Be a space in which everyone you meet can grow.
Thina Thina Siminge
Singa Bom De Ni
We are. We are together.
We are family
I’ve got all my sisters with me. And my brothers, and mothers and fathers and uncles and aunties and every other single one of you gorgeous human beings. You are welcome. All welcome.
Newsflash: MGV ‘Ways to Wellbeing’. Watch this space. Coming soon.
Sending hugs xxx
Guest blog post by Andrew Logan