Morning Gloryville

Glory News


When I was one, It had just begun.  When I was two, I first met you. When I was three, I started to see. When I was four, A star on my door. When I was five, I left the hive. But now I am six, It’s four to the floor. So I think I’ll […]

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This is a Time For Rainbows

At a time when obtuse and unquestioning certainty seems to be the fashion and the ignorance and stupidity of extremist thinking rears its ugly head like an over fed and angry dinosaur, we need to be bringing out the stardust and glitter and putting on our glad rags as a matter of course. This is […]

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How to hack your happiness

The secret to happiness is all in your head, find out how to boost your happy chemicals with the theory and practise at Morning Gloryville… By: Andrea Callan Hack, verb – ‘If someone hacks into a computer system, they break into the system, especially in order to get secret information’ (Collins English dictionary). Who doesn’t […]

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How I look after my happiness as a Glory Agent

If you’ve been to any of the Morning Gloryville events in Manchester (#MGVMCR for short), you may recognise me, from hula hooping, doing live social media or generally having a jolly time. My name is Andrea and I am a Glory Agent, responsible for content and communications for #MGVMCR. I love it because Morning Gloryville […]

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Dreamtime is coming… Tell us your wildest dreams ✨✨

We are such stuff as dreams are made of and our little life is rounded with a sleep…💤 …With this in mind – to celebrate our Easter weekend ‘Sleepover’ and ‘Morning Rave‘ – we’re asking you to share your wildest dreams with us. In return one very lucky Gloryville love will be chosen at random to […]

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Calm the storm within… 15 Ways Mindfulness Can Change your Life!

From concentration, acceptance and being calm and sitting still – listen to Andy, Happiness Coach explains in this short video – 15 ways mindfulness has changed his life – and can change yours. Because Andy wants more people to experience the benefits of mindfulness, this month he’s offering ten free 30 minute espresso sessions. You can […]

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5 Surprising Benefits of Vedic Meditation

Independent Vedic meditation teacher Will Williams recently led an energising guided meditation at our February event and has kindly shared some surprising benefits of this ancient practice (it’s not what you expect!) Vedic meditation involves silently repeating a personalised sound (or mantra) for 15 – 20 minutes twice a day, and can be practised anywhere, […]

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12 things you can learn from laughing babies

Todays guest Shine blog is from a blue-haired psychologist who studies the science behind baby laughter. Dr Caspar Addyman explains the secret of happiness and gives us 12 reasons to laugh our way through the January blues – thanks Caspar!   My job is to study baby laughter. (Yes, really!) I want to understand how babies cope […]

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Festive Proposals = Festival Weddings!

It’s official, December is the most romantic time of the year, with Christmas Eve being the most popular time to get down on one knee. By one survey’s reckoning 26% of all proposals take place around about now, just scroll your Facebook newsfeed for confirmation. If you see any newly decorated fingers 💍🖐 waving at you please […]

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Guest Shine – Lorraine

Please welcome our first guest SHINE blogger, Lorraine, with a few tips for approaching the New Year. Since a couple of years back, I’ve made a little tradition for myself. It’s to take the age old saying of ‘start as you mean to go on’ and literally plonk it at the beginning of the year. […]

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Contact Us


Samantha Moyo
CEO at Morning Gloryville
Justin Champney
Partnership Manager at Morning Gloryville
Welcome To The Tribe

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